Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 3---Learn how to order

1. Appetizer開胃菜---smoked salmon 燻鮭魚/cold corned ox tongue 冷牛舌/cold turkey冷火雞/bacon 燻肉片/ham火腿
2. Soup湯---potage 濃湯/consomme 清湯/soup of the day 每日例湯/country soup 鄉下濃湯/onion soup 洋蔥湯/borsht 羅宋湯
3. Meat:肉類---braised beef 燉牛肉/steak sirloin 沙朗牛排/fillet steak 菲力牛排/T-bone steak 丁骨牛排/pork chops 豬排/lamb chop 羊排
4. Seafood海鮮---fish steak 魚排/brooled lobster 烤龍蝦/prawn croquette 炸蝦肉捲/fried oyster 炸生蠔/baked crab 烤蟹/escargot 田螺。
5. Dessert:甜點---cake 蛋糕、pudding 布丁、ice cream 冰淇淋。
6. Beverage:飲料

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