Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day5>>Fashion Industry

Fashion is not only a means of expression, it is also a means of earning money. Indeed, the clothing industry is one of the largest. Every year, it comprises a multi- billion dollar segment of the world economy. In the United States alone, the industry pulls in $180 billion yearly. Of all the clothing sold, more than half is for adult women's clothings, while only about 35 percent is for adult men's clothing. Chilldren's and infants' clothing rounds out the market. While most of the sales are still within actual store locations, a growing part of sales takes place online over the internet. As a result, countless websites are now devoted to clothings, and every designer and department store has its own catalog on the Web. This shift changes the face of the clothing industry, requiring greater versatility online and also, more focus on visual appeal for the browsing customer. While campanies and customers alike are encountering challenges to adpating to the online format, experts predict exponential growth in the coming years nevertheless.

1. expression (n) 表達.表示
2. indeed (adv) 確實
3. comprise (v) 包含.包括
4. segment (n) 部分
5. infant (n) 嬰兒.幼兒
6. round out 完成
7.devote (v) 專用於..奉獻於
8. catalog (n) 目錄
9. shift (n) 轉換.轉移
10. versatility (n) 多用途.多功能性
11. appeal (n) 吸引力.感染力
12. browsing (pp>>a) 瀏覽的
browse (v) 瀏覽
13. adpat (v) 適應
14. format (n) 形式.編排
15. exponential (a) 指數的
16. nevertheless (adv) 仍然

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