Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 5

1.U-urge---(V.),to strongly advise someone to do something
Ex.Brown urged her to reconsider her secision.

2.U-uplift---(V.),to make someone feel more cheerful

3.V-venue---(A.),a place something such as a concert or a meeting is arranged to take place
Ex. the venue for the latest round of talks

4.V-verify---(V),to find out if a fact,ststement is correct or ture
Ex.These details must be verified with the Home Office(內政部).

5.W-wage---(N),money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours ,days or weeks that you work
Ex.The job is not very exciting,but he earns a good wage.

6.W-on the wane---(phr.),becoming smaller,weaker,or less important
Ex.By the 5th century,the power of the Roman Empire was on the wane.

7.Y-yard---(N),an enclosed area next to a building ,used for a special purpose ,activity,or business
Ex.Their house is next to a builders' yard.

8.Y-yield---(V),<1>to produce crops,profits
Ex.The land yielded a good wheat crop.
<2>to produce a result,answer,or a piece of information
Ex.Careful analysis yielded the following conclusion.

9.Z-zip---(V),to open or shut something using a zip
Ex.The money was safely zipped inside my jacket

10.Z-zoom---(V),to go somewhere or do something very quickly
Ex.The work was really easy and I was able to zoom through it in a couple of hours.

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