Friday, December 19, 2008

Philippe Day-5 "Milk Gets Mixed Reviews"

Milk Gets Mixed Reviews
Is the dairy industry just "milking" us?
by Steve Marth

Milk is so healthy that it's been described as the "perfect food." It has nine vitamins and essential minerals, including a powerful dose of calcium. And everyone knows that milk has lots of protein; it's just what humans need to grow big and strong. That's why it's been a part of the government-backed American school lunch program for some 60 years. China saw results and has since been working with America's dairy industry to help Chinese children grow healthy and strong – with milk. Sure, the same nutrients can be found in other foods, but not in such a simple and delicious package as milk.

  1. described KK: []
  2. essential KK: []
  3. minerals KK: []
  4. calcium KK: []

  5. dairy KK: []
  6. industry KK: []
  7. nutrients KK: []

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